On-Premise: select + order by Syntax

Hallo zusammen, 

gibt es eine nachvollziehbare Ursache, warum "order by" bei einem select nicht akzeptiert wird, wenn das Ergebnis in einer Variable landen soll? Zeile 1 wird vom Editor nicht bemängelt, Zeile 3 schon - Inhalt ist eigentlich identisch? 

select Lifecycle where 'Gerät / Hardware' = 189 order by 'Lieferdatum Kunde';

let a := select Lifecycle where 'Gerät / Hardware' = 189 order by 'Lieferdatum Kunde';

Vielen Dank vorab für Vorschläge! 

4 replies

    • Fred
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    For some reason Ninox is picky with a variable. Put quotes around the select statement.

    let a := (select Lifecycle where 'Gerät / Hardware' = 189 order by 'Lieferdatum Kunde');

    I got the error message in iOS app and in a browser.

      • Lead Developer
      • schwendtner
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Fred Hi Fred, thank you for your time and answer. I contacted Ninox-Support after this post, we had a zoom-session and they came up with the same solution as you, a couple minutes ago. Because this is undocumented and unneccessary complicated, they created an internal bugticket for the developers, so we can look forward to a future fixed version ;-) 
      Have a great day!

      • Fred
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      F. Schwendtner I wouldn’t hold my breath for a quick fix. :)

      • Lead Developer
      • schwendtner
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Fred no - you are right again. i am still waiting for a couple of things since a couple of years with ninox :-D 

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