Alan Cooke
help please on this script
The following works but not fully. None of the text: >>> Is outputted in the email. Can someone please point out where my error is. let myPdf := printAndSaveRecord(this, "TASKS"); let myName :…
- Answered
html undefined error
Hi, What in this script is causing the title error please? let myPdf := printAndSaveRecord(this, "TASKS"); let myName := "New Task.pdf"; importFile(this, myPdf, myName); 'EMAIL SENT' := true;…
Using SNAGIT for tutorials
Hi, I use SNAGIT and it occurred to me that it could be a useful way to create user video tutorials. SNAGIT allows one to create a video and then share it via various methods such as Screencast which…
Navigation Buttons
I have these buttons on a form. The arrows are created using the Windows+; option '' Under the two right buttons in 'Display if' I have: let lastId := last((select INVENTORY).ID); if this.…
Clearing filters on loading a table
I use this snippet to clear the filters for a table (all). It is under a button. ui.openTableOld?null:ui.openTableOld=ui.openTable; ui.openTable = function(...arg) { ui.openTableOld(...arg); document.…
Sudden change in screen layout.
I don't have a version update as far as I can see - 3.12.7 is what I have now but this morning when I loaded my APP everything is messed up UI wise. Anyone else have this happen or do I need to…