Alan Cooke
Control of HUD icons
Can anyone tell which one of these switches off the paperclip and comment icon? Also, the print icon. I am hoping to be able to switch off everything and just leave the paperclip,…
- Answered
Using the Filter option
Is it possible to filter a field based on criteria in another field. eg: Field 1 Serial Required is 'Yes/No' Field 2 Serial Number is 'nnnnnnn' In Field 2 Filter: Field 1 = Yes
NINEXT Idea for table view (ALL)
@Jacques TUR Is it possible to freeze a column in (all) or even a view so that columns to the left are locked but scrolling to the right is enabled. Much like Excel where one can lock a column to…
Work around for styling colour not working for formulae with html
I have formulae which are hidden by styling to blend in on TABS regardless of colour. Even a formula on a non coloured TAB is visible if the styling does not 'take' due to html in the formula in 3.13.…
Hiding HUD
Does anyone know how to hide these two elements - the + and Edit Would like to add these two to my HUD formulae. TIA