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Joined: Sun Sep 30 17:18:00 UTC 2018
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Re: Could you help me, I need to connect two choise fields, one multiple choise oe and another Yes/No field. If let's say choise 5 and 8 are selected in the first one the other field will have to be Yes. Tried to do it with the trigger after update but I am not sure if it is correct '' if 'Payment Status' = 5 then 'Payment plan'.(DC := true) end''
Maybe this is the cause: '=' is used to check if something is equal. ':=' is used to modify data...So your formula would have to change to: if Active = 1 then'Client & Booked Course'.Client.… -
Re: Could you help me, I need to connect two choise fields, one multiple choise oe and another Yes/No field. If let's say choise 5 and 8 are selected in the first one the other field will have to be Yes. Tried to do it with the trigger after update but I am not sure if it is correct '' if 'Payment Status' = 5 then 'Payment plan'.(DC := true) end''
Fred, if I may add something... You can use the chosen() function to do this. For example if you want to check if the 5th and the 8th option is selected of a multiple choice field you can use this:… -
Re: Is there a field type or a way to have a field which retrieves information from the web, like a stock price from google finance?
Hi Jane, Can you try this version and see what it gives? Just a thought.... do as serverlet response := http("GET", "https://stock-data-yahoo-finance-alternative.p.rapidapi.… -
Re: Is there a field type or a way to have a field which retrieves information from the web, like a stock price from google finance?
Have you put your code between the 'do as server...............end'? This could be the reason, in my case anyways. Also the 'Content-Type': "application/json" used in the code?…