Can I use importfile() to pull in a local file instead of web file?
I'm trying to use
importFile(this, "file:///users/....") . to add a file as an attachment without luck (on a mac)
Does file:/// work? - all the examples I found use http: instead - wondering if I can pull in a local file?
6 replies
This will not work in the Mac-enviroment.
Is this still true? (Then it may explain my problem but if not why is there difference how a file is handled in openURL vs importFile)
I have below code behind a button and it works for 50% af my files so I thought there was a limitation how the files can look like. (My file names has numbers , brackets, bar, spaces and letters in it)
When I execute openURL(vFileToAttach) it always work. So what is the difference with openURL() and importFile()? when it comes to the filename?
let vStart := "file:////Library/WebServer/Documents/";
let vFileName := text('Å.File');
let vFileToAttach := vStart + vFileName;
importFile(this, vFileToAttach); -
Not sure if this would work (can't try it now):
importFile(this, openURL(vFileToAttach));
importFile(this, vFileToAttach,"Filename include type of file");Example Filename include type of file [Picture.jpg]
Thnaks for the suggestions. @Steven - if you try you will understand why it doen't work. openURL() opens the file immediatly and den I don't think "the code" can grab it - but it was a good idea!
@Uwe - not sure I really understood how you ment and I tried tofin a way through the manual and tried different ways with "filename" or [filename] etc - no luck.
So I had to use the IBM method "Its Better Manulay" - took some time but it was a rainy day wher I live!
I guess we still have Birgers word that it is npt working in the Mac environmnet.
Have you tried this?
let vStart := "file:////Library/WebServer/Documents/";
let vFileName := text('Å.File');
let vFileToAttach := vStart + vFileName;
importFile(this, vFileToAttach,vFileName[+".jpeg" or ".pdf" or ".png"]); -> depends how vFilename looks like.
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
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