Counting Confirmed Guests
Hi Guys. Hoping for some assistance. Trying a work a formulae that sums the total amount of guests that have "Check In" to an event. My current formulae is Checked In = 1 (Yes) sum(Guests['Checked…
How to use Date, Start time and time interval Field
Hi all, I'm having problems working out how create an appointment based on a date, start time and time interval. For example. I would like to book in a meeting by putting in the date,…
Formalae for Summing products selected
Hi All, I currently have a Multiple choice field (Show as Radio Buttons) where the staff can select multiple products that the clients has chosen to Purchase.…
New Record with prefilled date field
What would be the code to put in "on Create" so that when the new record is created, the Date field is automatically completed with the next date of the previous. Example.…
Repeat Appointments
I would like to know if it is possible to repeat appointments. I have several tours that occur everyday at the same time. is this possible to do on Ninox? thanks for all the help
Updating the appointment Field after inputing the date
Hi there, Ive been trying to fine a solution to automatically repeat appointments weekly. Can't seem to come up with a solution so my next best idea was to have the appointment field automatically…