Vinson Javiero
I have a table in Ninox, lets call this table, Table A. This table consists of the column Name of cars, and Scores. Please see the screenshot in the attachment.…
V Lookup between 2 tables
Hi I have a table called Reports which has text field called Column 1. The string "1" is entried in the Column 1 text field. Theres also a formula field in which I would like to lookup the Risk…
Lookup, referencing.. Help!
Hi, I have 2 tables. Lets say Table A and Table B. I would like to call data from Table B to Table A, hence I get into table A and made a relationship to Table B...…
Select Where Function - Please Help!
PLEASE HELP!!! Please see the data model in the attachment below: I have a table called Static Site Data, Risks and Mitigation Cost per Site, Type Specific Risks, and Risk List..…
Help me LOOP please.
if 'Column 1' = 'Static Site Data'.'Risks and Mitigation Costs per Site'.'Type Specific Risks'.'Risk List1' then 'Column 1' = 'Static Site Data'.'Risks and Mitigation Costs per Site'.…