Mel Charles
England. UK
Joined: Sat Dec 14 17:00:37 UTC 2019
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Print and download file name not same as saved filename
Have a little issue that it getting in the way When I print a customer quote the file is also saved into the same customer form in the file attachments.…
- Answered
New Version 3.7 - 2 things that irritate me.
There have been 2 things that have irritated me over the last couple of years. I'll use my customer quote form as the example 1. That fact that you can double click on table of quotes and edit the…
add an image to the body text in SendEmail
Is it possible to add an image field directly into the SendEmail body (ie say a jpeg or PNG file) in my following script below I do add an attachment file (which is fine) But I would like to also do…