Raphaël Vieira de Matos
leap years
Hello, I have to compute the number of days between two dates. I'am using the following code : days('DÉBUT - FACT. - FRAIS', 'FIN - FACT. - FRAIS'). But these code does not compute the 29th of…
Hello, I have an image than contains a pdf. I created a button to print the layout with one element : the image. The goal is to import it. Here is my script : let myPdf := printAndSaveRecord(this,…
Hello, I would like to introduce a list in a layout but I cannot get more than 6 elements. Why ?
Hello, I would like to introduce a list in a layout but I cannot get more than 6 elements. Why ?
How do I add a second page to my layout ? Thanks
It could be great to get the possibility to zoom when editing the layout... Thanks a lot !
Send mail
Hello, I have a question about sending mail. I have created a button to send mail and it works properly : let myPdf := printAndSaveRecord(this, "ACCUSE DE RECEPTION");let myName :…
Hello, Is it possible to add an icon in an alert ? Thanks for the help
Select syntax - Subtable
Hello, I am stuck with the select syntax. I have a table and a subtable (three columns : Year, Month, Index). I woudl like to get a formula to pickup the index of the substable with the same year and…
I created a formula to get an icon as answer : if ACTIF = 1 thenstyled(text(" "), "white", "done")elsestyled(text(" "), "white", "x")end It is better to get an icon than a "Yes" or "Not" in the…
Popup related record
What is the script to open the related record in another table ? Thanks in advance for your reply.