Invoice lines of old invoices
Hi, I have an invoice with invoice lines related to products. My problem is that if I update the price of a service, it changes also the prices on every invoice created in the past.…
Create new incremental record within a selection
Good morning, I have an application to issue work requests. These requests refer to different car license plates. I would need a code that would do the following.…
How to select current register within 'select' function
Hi, I need to select all records linked to XXX register in a given table . i.e.: Table named 'VEHICLES': Registration: XXX S/N: YYY etc which has a child table called 'Status' and which has some…
Hours accumulated
Hi, I have a list of time records ordered by date, i.e.: - 01-jan-2022, used time 01:30 Hours - 02-jan-2022, used time 00:25 Hours - 05-jan-2022, used time 02:35 Hours. ...…
Sum of "Hours" up to "todays hours"
Hi, I have a list of time records ordered by date, i.e.: - 01-jan-2022, used time 01:30 Hours - 02-jan-2022, used time 00:25 Hours - 05-jan-2022, used time 02:35 Hours. ...…