now() = two hours ago?
Hi NX community. Does anybody know why the function now() is giving me the current time minus two hours? The time is correctly displayed in the main clock so I suppose ther's nothing wrong with the…
Multiple choice picks in order?
Hi all. Anyone knows how to extract a list of items from a MC list in the exact order in which those items are selected? I.E. Let's say I have a mc field where 1. apple 2. pear 3.…
Update multiple choice
Hi there. Some help with a trigger needed here, plesae! In a multiple choice field I have 40+ choices. Is there a way to set a sort of "select all" button without having to click 40+ times?…
Help with loop!
Hi there. I'm a coding newbie, so my question might seem obviousm sorry for that.... Let's say I have a field named "Choice 1" (a multiple choice field) set like this:…
Duplicate fields! Please let us duplicate fields!!!
Hi there. I've spent like 4,5 hours to create 300+ choice fields, which I would have done in 10 min if NX had the possibility to duplicate fields... Please add that in NX! G
Create n records in a subtable at once
Hi NX community! I have a table "A" which contains several records. I'm trying to come up with some code to set a button that should update the table "B" with all of the records coming from "A".…
Import lines from subtable
Hi. Does anybody know if there is a easier way to import lines from a subtable, rather than doing the click-select hundreds of times? Like some sort of button or function...…
VLOOKUP formula?
Hi NX world! I'll try to make myself as clear as possible... I'm trying to recreate a vLookup formula [i.e. VLOOKUP(search-for, columns-range, return-column, close-match]), just like I did in Numbers.…
Button to show fields?
Hi. Right now I'm using a checkbox to make some fields appear in my view. I would like to make a button do the job, so there are less fields in my table. Any clue about it? Thanks G
How to insert comment in code?
Hi NDB family! Is there a way to insert some kind of code to add a comment within code? I tried to use /* COMMENT */ but it doesn't seem to work. THX. G