Parsing formatted_address from Google Geocode JSON
I am trying to extract the formatted_address field from the results of a Geo code query from Google maps. I have tried the following code without success.…
Programming reference manuals
I am looking for a good book about programming to help me learn how to program Ninox databases. I am not sure whether to purchase a book on java script or something else.…
Calculate Distance using 2 location fields (Road miles)
I am working on a project for a friend that works for a delivery service. The table is called “Deliveries”. In this table I have 2 location fields, “Restaurant Address” and Customer Address”.…
Creating many to many relationship between two tables
I am trying to create a many to many relationship between two tables. The database I am working on has two tables one is movies and the other is actors.…
Reoccurring monthly events
Is it possible to set up reoccurring monthly events. For example, If I have an appointment that occurs on the 10th of each month, I want to use one of the data fields to set an appointment for each…
It would be useful if you could search single columns or a single table.