Marc Di Francia
Dates issue Ninox app vs browser
Hello, I don't understand why dates (birthdates) in a person file I have imported are displayed correctly in Ninox mac app and wrongly displayed (minus one day) in browser.…
variables in views formulas...
Hello everybody, another weird behavior... why does this view formula work let moi := this.ID; (select Interactions where date(start('Rendez-vous')) = today() and Praticien = moi and (Type = 1 or…
Forms page settings
Hello everybody, I would appreciate to have the possibility to order the forms fields not only in rows but also in columns. Just add "vertical parting" to "Éléments de mise en page". thanks, Marc
Inconstant behavior of "after update" scripts
Hello I already posted about this issue in https://ninoxdb.de/en/forum/technical-help-5ab8fe445fe2b42b7dd39ee7/trouble-with-affecting-a-text-value-in-a-new-record-5d53cb404e061c58ea3a25e2?…
How to affect a value to a multiple choice field by script?
Hello, I try to remove with an action button my initials of the multiple choice field 'ouvert par 2' of all record where my initials are in 'ouvert par 2', keeping the others initials inchanged...…
Sending Email
hello, I' wondering why the simplee Email code just as copied pasted in the manual does not work ; whereas the button of the email fields does work ! The base is in the cloud...…
Tab navigation by script ?
I would like to know if it is possible to open a for in a defined tab ? openTable("MyTable,"Myform").....go to "MyTab" ??? Thank you Marc