How to get the value from an external table by clicking on a view
I would like to know how to get the value of a textfield into a form from a record of a non linked table. In the fist table’s form the second one is displayed in a view with 2 columns . I would like when I click on a line of the view (external table) put the text of the field of de pointed record in a text field of the first table.
table 1 : 1 record, 2 fields : table2view, Saisie
table 2 : 125 records, 3 fields : SousType, Intitulé, inextenso
How to ---> saisie := table2.inextenso of the clicked line in table2view
thanks a lot !!!!
4 replies
So, another strategy maybe,
thank you,
I would say use a linked table. If you click on a row in a View it will popup that record, but there isn't a way to determine the record information from Table 1 so you wouldn't know which record to copy "inextenso" to.
I got a strategy !!
So i created a link 1 to N between table2 to table1. When click on table1.table2 appears the list wich Is filtered and regrouped on table2.'sous type'. When click on the choosed Line, it affects table1.table2 := table2.Id and then on table1.table2 modif trigger,
Table1.saisie := table2.'in extenso'
Table1.table2 := Nullmarc
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 4Replies
- 1276Views