Removing duplicate fields (emails as example) solution
for i in select Table_Name.Email_field do while cnt(select Table_Name where Email_field = text(i))!=1 do delete last(select Table_Name where Email_field = text(i)) end end Enjoy!
Constrain an array
Hi friends! i have a table with a lot of records. I have an array of numbers which is result of some formula. In the Constraint field i want avoid record which id contains in array.…
Trigger after update strange behavior
I have 3 number fields. Each of them have Trigger After Update(TAU) which change next number. As example: TAU number1 is number2:=99 TAU number2 is number3:=55.…
How to show all dates between two dates?
Hi everyone! I really can’t find the solution without creating additional table. Example: let myArray := [today(), (today+2)]=> 23.04.19, 25.04.19 but what about 24.04.…
how calculate date from year, week number and weekday?
Date:= year(2019)+week(14)+weekday(0)