Daniel Marine
Ninox Bug Report 14.0
Here are a list of some bugs I have identified with the newest version: Rich Text Fields are not encoded properly in print view when using HTML A white screen flashes up occasionally (began in…
3.13 Popup Close Delay
Has anyone else experienced a delay when closing a nested popup window? When closing a popup window for a subtable, the one popup closes and then there is a slight delay before the parent record…
Database History
Does anybody know if it is possible to add additional information to the database history? At the moment it is only the table name and record id which is referenced.…
HTML/Rich Text does not work on print record
I've noticed that HTML and rich text do not display in the required format when printing a record. Instead, the text is displayed normally. Does anybody know a work around or whether Ninox plan to…
Global Search Column Customisability
Does anybody know whether it is possible to customise the columns which show when you perform a global search? It seems bizarre if this has not yet been implemented,…