Anna Wenlock
Add existing records to table automatically
Hello all, I have a populated table called 'Glossary' that I would like to bring into another table called 'Inspection Report' using View. At the moment,…
Insert paragraphs/line breaks into email button?
Does anyone know how to create paragraphs please? I have a button that opens an email using openURL and mailto:, and inserts the text - some of which is in the code,…
Print View Problem - Select record if
Hi everyone, I am trying to create a print report that shows a table view, but I can't get it to display the fields I want properly. The table displayed is 'Shipping',…
Have field remain blank if sum is zero
Hello, this is probably something simple that I'm missing, but... I have two number fields in a table that I are added together to make a total. If this total is zero - as in £0 - then I would like…
Dynamic choice field - showing Id instead of description in print view
Can anyone help please, this is driving me mad. I have a table called 'Inspection Report', and within this is a dynamic single choice field pulling from another table called 'Mechanical Services'.…
Dynamic choice which trigger numeric value change?
Does anyone know how to have a numeric value pulled as a result of a dynamic choice please? I have a dynamic choice field called 'Stock Parts CABLING' which pulls a list of parts from a table called…
TRIGGER problem - Help please!
Hello, I would like to use a trigger to make 2 changes, but my code only seems to make one change and I can't figure out why...can anyone help please? Am I trying to do something that can't be done?…
Help, my code is half-working...what's wrong?
Hello everyone, I have a table for recording shipping relating to orders. A dropdown is used to choose the 'Courier Type', and I need the choice to make 2 changes: 1.…
Button to copy field entries from one field to another (running through entire table)
I have decided it will be better for some data in my system to sit within a subtable. As a result, I would like to copy the entries for certain fields into the new (identically named) fields within…
HELP! What is wrong with my code? Trigger after update problems
I have a multiple choice field with two options; 'Salvage' and 'Staff Purchase'. I have the code set up to create a line in another table when 'Salvage' is selected,…
Trigger - use data in table 1 to create line in table 2
Hello, I am struggling to create what I think will be a trigger event...? I have two tables - Components and Purchase Order. What I am trying to achieve is the following: 1.…