ui.openTable : Future versions of Ninox will not support this operation.
This database is trying to access an internal API: ui.openTable. Future versions of Ninox will not support this operation. What can do for using this in the future versions?
Update a field and jump in a record.
I have a JavaScript function used to do a update of a field and jump in a record. --- function myClickTitleIntervention(id, url, valeurClick) { "{" } console.log("Start"); var myElement = database.…
I need to iterate a json object.
i fund in documentation : https://docs.ninox.com/en/print/print-customization/repetitions/iterate-over-objects ho to do, but i cant use this. Any Help? Have a nice day.
Send array of object json with httpr
Hello Everyone, I try to send with HTTP() function a array of objects json ans i cant. Have you a little sample to send a array on objects json to api. I need specialy how to create te array of…
single choice dynamical always selected
I have a dynamic choice field. I put in the trigger "after creation" to select a value in my dynamic field. Everything works perfectly, except that the cursor remains on the field while the selection…
Dynamic single choice
Hi everyone, i have little problem. I use a dynamic single choice field, its a new. Very nice! But when i try to print this field it return me the index and note the text value.…
Re: Is it possible to have choice and multi choice fields where editors can enter new values directly into the field, rather than having to pre-define all values?
Hi Jacques, thanks for mesage and my email : r.traykoski@cisoft.ch I have from many time trayed to create a daschboard for all my app, and i think it is possible with the API.… -
Re: Is it possible to have choice and multi choice fields where editors can enter new values directly into the field, rather than having to pre-define all values?
Salut Jacques, si tu mets une demo dans le webinar, tu pourrais aussi me dire quelle base de données c“est? Ca m”interesse aussi car je tourne bcp autour du js et de ninox. Merci d“avance. Robert