Barcode program in Webinar 2020 templates
Does anyone use the program 0_SVG_Barcode_GS1-128_Lite in Webinar EN 2020?, when reading the bar code there is always "] 1" in front of the number read ??? thanks for the help. Alain
Copy fields from one base to another.
hello, I am looking for a routine to copy sélected fields from one base to another base. Fields from Proposition (objet, total HT.. ) to facture thank you alain
Zapier and Google agenda
hello i am using zapier to sync the Ninox calendar to the google calendar. the subis is that when i change an appointment date, the new appointment is created on Google calendar but the old one is…
Automatic incrémentation
hello, is it possible to increment a counter after creating a new record?example: automatic incrementation of an invoice number when creating another thank you Alain
Cell size !?
hello, not knowing how I enlarged the height of the cells. do you know how to get back to a normal size? thank you.
Display columns on search
On a search, is it possible to change the columns to display? And how?
Button photo
Good evening. is it possible to take a photo with the push of a button?
Day of a date
Hello. is it possible to extract the day from a date. ?example September 8, 2018 Tuesday.thank you.alain.