Peter Amies
Select statement in formula is REALLy slowing my table down. Any solution?
I have a table with a formula field, that requires a fairly heavy "select" statement. Problem is that the "select" statement is common to all records in the table (there is not variable within the…
today() function giving yesterday's date
Today I've been having two big issues with date functions in Ninox: 1 - If I use the today() function, it returns yesterday's date. 2 - I am trying to compare two dates within an if statement.…
Pie chart for a single record
I want to display a pie chart within a form, that visualises info contained in numeric fields within a single record of a single table. But it seems no matter how I try to construct the forumla for…
- Answered
Combo chart (bar chart with target line)
I'm wanting to display a bar chart within a form, which includes a dotted "Target" line, a bit like this: Is this sort of thing possible in Ninox? I'm on Ninox Cloud.…
Copy to system clipboard?
I'm using Ninox Cloud, and want to create a button that copys a block of text to the system clipboard. Is there a function to copy to the system clipboard, or is this not possible?
Justify Form Elements with common top line
I'm trying to layout a form with multiple different types of elements in a row. For instance I have a formula field, and to the right of it a View into another table.…
html style not working
I'm trying to use the "html()" function inside a formula to try and style some text fields. Here's an example of what I've tried: html("<h1 style=""""color:blue;font-size:86px;…
Sort related records by specific field
I have added a new formula field to a table. The forumla needs to get related records from another table, sort those records based on a specific numeric field,…
A few questions about form layout
One of my biggest hurdles with Ninox forms has been setting up the style and layout I want. Hoping people can help with these specifics: - When i put a View element on a form,…
Script to set reference field to empty
I have a script that attempts to set link a child record to a parent table based on an expression. If the child record doesn't meet the crieteria, it sets the link to "empty".…
When to enabled "Index" on a field in a table?
Is there any rough guide or rule of thumb for when it is helpful to enable the "index" for a field in a table? My database includes a lot of calculations with select statements,…
Populate dropdown with options from linked table
I have two tables linked with in a 1:1 relationship. In a form for Table A, I want to put a dropdown or similar selection field in which a user can select which record they want to link from Table B.…