Automatically updating a field
I have a table with 2 subtables. The main table contains MEMBERS of an organization. One of the subtables (DUES) contains their membership dues payments and the date paid.…
Setting up my database (Beginner question)
I am a novice user. I am keeping the data base for a membership organization. Members are household consisting of either 1 individual, or households with up to three people.…
moving database from one account to another
I signed up for a free trial account on Ninox to see how it worked. I liked it enough that I bought a subscription to do work for an organization. I signed up for the subsciption with a different…
Is exporting data disabled in the trial version?
I purchased the mac app and am on trial with the web version. I plan to use the web version primarily, but download my data and update it with the mac app when I have to work off-line.…
Email field
Very new user (still on trial version) here. Ninox looks like the solution I need, but I am not a technical person and have lots of questions. I want to maintain a membership database for an…
Is it possible to use a web form (like a Google Form) so that responses automatically populate a Ninox table?
I want to set up a membership database where members enroll themselves. I would like to use a webform, probably a Google Form, to allow members to enter their information and when they click 'submit',…
team member = new account?
I am using the trial version of the web app. I was allowed to invite another user to be a "team member" but I cannot find anything about "team members" in the manual.…