Icons Problem
I use Ninox in the web cloud version. Lately I've noticed that the style of the icons has changed. At the same time, "styled" functions containing icons and text are no longer displayed correctly in…
- Answered
Hi, this is an example of api code POST (OPENAPI) to receive information according to the call indicated in the code. Could someone explain to me how to integrate it into Ninox?…
Hello, the result of an API request is this {"data":[{"pec":"","history":[]}],"success":true,"message":"","error":null} I would like only the value test@pec.…
Link record n:1
I use this code to automatically link records 1:n let myID := ID;let nMP := (create 'SecondTable');nMP.('FirstTable' := myID); What code can I use for the reverse, n:1? THX
Ninox to MS Word
Is it possible to link a Ninox table with MS Word mail merge? I would like to print a document with variable fields. Unfortunately the print function in Ninox (pdf) is not good.
Link records in 2 tables
Hi, I have two tables: Table 1 is called "Checks" and table 2 is called "Customers".The relationship between the two tables is N to 1. The two tables share a field called "codclt".…
Check date field
I have a date field, I have to check with a function if the date is between July 1st and July 31st. how to do?