Need help organizing some information

Hello Ninox forums! I've been using the macOS version of Ninox for about 2 weeks, its the first time I've ever sat down and got serious about using a database to keep my business organized.

Currently I've got a few tables:

For any given Production, I will hire some assistants to help me. Up until I started using Ninox I would use a spreadsheet to help me visualize 8 days around the dates of a job, and put each assistant in a cell under the dates, color coded with the kind of work they are doing.


I cannot figure out how to express this data in the same way inside Ninox. Any ideas?

Thank you!

30 replies

    • BuffaloTony
    • 9 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Position is a multiple-choice field.

    attached is my recent DB.

      • BuffaloTony
      • 9 mths ago
      • Reported - view

      I think I'm going to table that for now.

      Since the labor breakdown is functional, I've re-written it into my main database and now can back to entering in the last ten years of jobs. Cheers to you, thanks for your help. .

      • BuffaloTony
      • 9 mths ago
      • Reported - view

        Hey Fred - something just occurred to me as I began inputting old jobs into my database... what you took the time to help me with was basically a KANBAN view. Using the view element is there a way to embed a kanban, the same way you can add a chart? This would be VERY useful!

    • BuffaloTony
    • 9 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    OMG As I've broken down and put together this test DB so many times, I didn't even realize that was multiple choice. It absolutely does not need to be multiple or dynamic.

      • BuffaloTony
      • 9 mths ago
      • Reported - view

      Yeah that's pretty interesting, I hope they get it working because it feels like it could be a good resource for a lot of people.