How to set a value for a switch elements

Hi, how can I set a switch value when I press a button?

1 reply

    • Fred
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Heidi -


    Can you be a bit more specific?


    Since a switch is based on the value in a field and if the field is NOT a formula field you can put something like this in the formula section of a button:


    'fieldname used in switch' := "new value" <-- quotes are not needed if a number


    The limitation of this code is that the value is hard coded and there is no easy way for you to change the value.


    If you create a field called newSwitchValue then put the field next to the button, you can adjust the code to:


    'fieldname used in switch' := newSwitchValue


    Good luck and let us know how it goes.