bold style

I want a certain field/column to be 'styled/formatted' a certain way. I have only been able to achieve the background I want for the column in the list view using 'conditional styling', but this is a poor solution. It is daft to have to use 'conditions' to set a style for a field when it has to be the same for ALL rows. It can be done but it's a bad way to have to do it as there needs to be no checking being done on the value. Just set the format/style for that field on screen.


Also, I am unable to simply set the text to 'bold'. This is just a visual display requirement and should absolutely NOT be stored in the data in any 'formatted text' field.


Finally, although I am able to set the desired background in the list view, there is no such ability (that I can find) to do this in the form view. Really? Create a form to display ones data, but not allowed to alter the format/style of the text displayed?


This is such a basic requirement and 'WYSIWIG' originally made the Mac great. Formatting of text on screen was revolutionary at the time. But that was nearly 40 years ago. So I expect any modern app that allows you to create text on screen, to also allow you to format/style it as you want. Does Ninox truly not have the ability to format/style displayed text, or am I missing something?

1 reply

    • Peter_Saltzman
    • 10 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    I've requested THIS  for years. Apparently, Ninox can handle formatted text in their forums, but not in their database.

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  • 10 mths agoLast active
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