Getting location field by calculation

I'm trying to populate a location field with given lat/long coordinates.

The table has 2 fields with the lat/long coordinates:

for a in select 'table' do; a.LocationField:=location(a.name, a.lat, a.long); end

This does not work. But if I put fixed numbers, then it will work, such as:

for a in select 'table' do; a.LocationField:=location(a.name, 10, 10); end

Please help! Thank you



1 reply

    • michaeltoc
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Please disregard. The table had http calls, which seem to interfere with a lot of things. The lat/long fields were populated from the results of the http call, and any code that references this data in the "trigger after update" causes the trigger to not execute. When I removed the http call, the Location field populated as it should.