Send a mail
Hi everybody,
how can I create a button to send an email with outlook, taking the email address from the database?
7 replies
Hi Francesca,
Here is an idea of a formula. You'll then need to adapt it to your database.
let myEmail := userEmail();
from: myEmail,
to: "",
subject: "Subject here",
text: "Please see attached packing list and shipping labels for" + " " + Customer + ", " + "Order Ref:" + " " + 'Order Ref',
attachments: files(this)
}) -
Thank You, but i need to use Microsoft outlook with an email account other than the ninox one
Hi Francesca,
If you use the Email field type in Ninox and click on the letter sign right beside the e-mail address displayed in the field Ninox will open an E-Mail to that address in your standard mail App (e.g. Outlook) of your device.
Best, Jörg
Hi Jörg,
Could you give me the details of the script when you click on the letter sign ? I would like to create a special button using various formulas for sending mail. I don't want to use " sendEmail({ " , i want to check the email before on my Outlook.
Thanks for your help !
@ Emeric
If you use a command like this in a button, I think ,the default mail app will open:
openURL("mailto:" + Emailadress + "&subject=" + Subject+ "&body=" + TextfieldBody + "&attachment=" + Imagefield)
where Emailadress,Subject,TextfieldBody are textfields and an Imagefield for attachment.
Thanks Steven ! I've also find this script : openURL("mailto:" + TO + "?" + "cc=" + CC + "&" + "bcc=" + BCC + "&subject=" + SUBJECT + "&" + "body=" + BODY)
How the script needs to be if I have a list of contacts with emails (30-60 contacts, every contact is an entry in a data base table) fields and I want a button to use openURL to send an BCC email to all of them with Outlook?
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 7Replies
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