Can I use the Sum from a list of formulas in a view table to create a new formula

I have a view table in a form which is based on a date range. I want to add a formula on the form which shows the result of two values, in this case "Franchise Fees" from the sum of one of the columns, in this case "Delivered Pay" in my example it would be £1,895 - £420.71.

1 reply

    • Customer Service Ninox
    • Maria_pasini
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Dear Scott,

    You could add a formula with the following code (might need to be adjusted to your case) :

    let dfrom:='Date from';

    let dto:='Date to';

    let ResultSum:= sum(select Results.'Delivered Pay' where Date>dfrom and Date<=dto)

    'Franchise Fee' - ResultSum