Do functions support the use of comments?
Do functions support the use of commetns within the code?
Something like /* or -- .. or anything ... ??
Might be helpful.
7 replies
Hi, this feature is on the change request list.
Though, you might use a workaround:
let comment := "put comment here";
Thanks Alex.. I was trolling the forum and found a thread that indicated the following works.. I just tested it .. and it does.. but still seems a more strutured "comment" syntax is in order.. :)
"This is a comment";
let foo := 0;
Yes we need an easy comment function such as // instead of just assigning a meaningless variable as a workaround...
Apparently just the quotes are needed, the "let" and variable name is not needed. So, you can insert comments using this;
Definitely agree re: // or /* for comments!! :-)
We can also comment several lines like:
comment line 1
comment line 2
comment line 3
" ;But //, or ///, or /* are a must.
When debugging if we need to block more than a few lines of code, the above solution does not work if we already have comments (double quotes) inside de code block .
So having:
/// for starting a multiline code block comment, and
/// for ending
Woub be a great help.
@Jose, Thanks for pointing out multiline commenting between a single pair of double quotes. I had been using a pair of double quotes for each line . I know it's not perfect, but you can add /* right after the first double quote and */ right before the second double quote. I agree about wanting to block out some code that has quotes in it. When I see how many double quotes I have to double-up, I have to decide whether to cut and paste the code block into a text editor or double quote.
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 7Replies
- 1897Views