N:M relationship filtering
I have folowing datamodel:
MB - is database of motherboards
RAM - is database of RAM
MB-RAM - is database of compatibility of MB <-> RAM
Config - databas of configuration of PC
One type RAM can by compatible with more than one MB and one MB can by compatible with more than one RAM = N:M relationship
If I use filter in form Config to offer only RAM compatible for specific MB:
It doesn't show RAMs that are compatible with more than one MB, just RAM that are compatible with only one MB.
Any sugestion?
2 replies
I have sent you an separat e-mail in order to make an Appointment with for a screensharing meeting. Then we could have look on it together.
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Best regards, Jörg
I have already find out solution. The right data model should be like this:
and the filter like this:
Now, it works as I need.
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 1636Views