NX language examples - where?

Documentation - and forum for that matter, has little info and examples on how to take advantage of the NX language. Is it a CIA secret :)? Any URL's to some good examples anyone?

3 replies

    • Sean
    • 5 yrs agoSat, September 14, 2019 at 11:26 PM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Off-grid, The forum has many examples and answers, granted they aren't always easy to find because the search function isn't great. You can also send an email to support that requests access to Webinar EN 2019 and there you will find example databases. Here is the link to the language reference...



    • Viggo
    • 5 yrs agoSun, September 15, 2019 at 12:45 AM UTC
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    Tnx for answer. The language referens is read over and over again, in its full. Not much help for a beginner with Ninox, mostly useless as there is no explanation of the syntax. It just use frases like <expression>. WHAT expression, how's the syntax and what expression is possible to use? 
    When that is said; I do program a lot - languages like php, xojo, Javascript, Object C, Swift - but they got MANUALS that teach you the language syntax and a load of tutorials. NX don't - and nobody ever put anything on the web outside the unsearchable Ninox forum. Thats why I dont get links; there are none! The search function in forum seams to only accept one-word search and ignores two- or more word search, so I can't search for like "switch multi-choice field" and so forth. Getting very frustrated due to this and feel I wasted money on a database tool weaker than the 90s hyperstacks. However, the UI is great - just to say something positive :)

    • Emanuel_Neubert
    • 5 yrs agoWed, September 18, 2019 at 2:40 PM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Hey Viggo,

    thanks for your feedback. We offer various workshops and webinars where we help you with specific questions regarding coding in NX. There are also great youtube video tutorials from users out there. Just join the webinar on Tuesday and benefit from our active community.



    Cheers Emanuel