Problem here


I hope understand this.

I have a problem here, I have 3 Table, the Documents, here on the tab Transmittal have a Button to Generate all issues to the other Table called  'Control Issues' here there are all issues documents Rev A,B,0  each document generate 3 Issues maybe yes o maybe not on different Dates or same dates .

Each time I CutOff the project generate new Isuues! next I delete the info on table 'Control Issue' and Generete new info again on this table all here right. the problem is with the 3 table called Issue Week and have relation 1N to 'Control Issue', on 'Issue Week' on the tab Rev A / B / 0, here I can view every Week by Rev all ok,

The problem is when generate the new table with the Button on Documents,  is update the 'Control Issue,  but not the 'Issue Week' ") and don't know how resolve this, if you have some ideas appreciate.

maybe the approach is poorly designed

4 replies

    • Rafael Sanchis
    • Rafael_Sanchis
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view
    • Fred
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Sorry for the delayed response, I'm fixing up our bathroom so I was grouting the tub today.

    What is the purpose of the Issues Week table?

    Are you creating new records or just linking any new records in Control Issue to the 1 record in Issues Week?

      • Rafael Sanchis
      • Rafael_Sanchis
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Fred No problem Fréd.

      I need to have a weekly control of the emissions to the client in each of the 3 reviews.  The client takes 5 days to approved each issue.  I will need to send this control weeks to the client.  This is why it is importantly to have this control.

      1 - The Issue Week is 1N Issues Week to Control Issues. 

      2 - Control Issues, is create with the script in Documents table  -   Transmittal Tab Button Generate all Issue. ( This scrips is yours 👍).

      I don't know is this structure is good design.

      Each Document have 3 Issues to Client, the Rev A, Rev B, and the last Rev 0 the final approval.

    • Fred
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view
    Rafael said:
    1 - The Issue Week is 1N Issues Week to Control Issues.

    If you need to create a new record in Issues Week every time the button is pressed in Documents then you need to start your code with a new record in Issues Week then you can create your records in Control Issues. Then you can link the new Control Issues record to the new Issues Week.