Help with code to create non-repeating set of 10 numbers
So I'm working on trying to create a non-repeating set to 10 randomly selected numbers between 0 and 9. I have this in a formula field:
let x := [number(void)];
while length(x) < 10 do
let newItem := [floor(random() * 10)];
if not contains(x, newItem) then
x := array(x, newItem)
Thanks to in this post for helping me get started.
The issues are:
1) if you turn admin on/off to get the formula to trigger, you will notice that is always starts with 0. I don't know why that is. I have another piece of code that doesn't:
let numArray := for loop1 from 1 to 11 do
floor(random() * 10)
Even if I remove the if no contains, it always starts with 0. Is the array 'x' not truly empty?
2) it does not create a non-repeating set of 10 random numbers. in fact it doesn't seem to do anything except create 10 random numbers that seems to awfully be quite duplicative.
12 replies
Hi Fred
My reply to the previous post gives a non-repeating set of numbers between 0 and 9. It makes an array of 100 numbers but all of them are between 0 and 9. I then use the unique() function to just have a set of 10. It does assume that by the time 100 have been generated we have all 10 numbers, which is almost certain.
I am trying to create another solution that does a more succinct job.
Regards John
let x := slice([0], 0, 0);
while length(x) < 10 do
let newItem := floor(random() * 10);
if not contains(x, newItem) then
x := array(x, [newItem])
debugValueInfo(x) -
Or an other way
let r := range(0, 10); for i in range(10) do let result := item(r, random() * cnt(r)); r := r[!= result]; result end
So happy to see all of the different ways any solution can be done. You guys are the best.
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- Status Answered
- 7 mths agoLast active
- 12Replies
- 78Views