Email field

Very new user (still on trial version) here.  Ninox looks like the solution I need, but I am not a technical person and have lots of questions. I want to maintain a membership database for an organization.

I used the 'Email' Field to store email adresses of members. I discovered that by clicking the email icon in a member's record, I can send him or her an email. I can also compose the email that will be sent.  For instance, I store the email:

Dear {'first name'} {last name'}  Thank you for your generous contribution of {'donation'}....

I also want to send a second email which is an annual reminder to renew the memberhship:

Dear {'first name'} {last name'} Your membership expires on {'anniversary'}.....

Question: Do I have to add a second email field with the member's email address to store the contents of the second email, or is there a more elegant way to do this?

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