To duplicate a field ?
Can someone tell me if it is possible to duplicate a field ?
Thank you.
4 replies
Unfortunately, no.
Nick is right but if you mean that you just want to show that field & data twice so on the same table/form.
Then what you can do is have a forumula field that points to the original field.
Example :
On my Orders from - I have an order date field (OrderDate) that calculates todays date on creation. But I don't want users to inadvertantly change it in error.
So I have moved this field onto an "admin" tab then on the front of the form I have a forum field (Order Date) (note the space in name) and in its formula simply have Orderdate
Users can't edit that date and I also get the benefit of being able to style that field.
in addition all fields on my Admin tab page are all protected by being set to only display a a lock field is set to eg XXXX
at the top of the form I have the Lock field - for unlocking these fields
Works for me :-)
Also if you want to duplicate that field and all its data into another field on same table then you can do the following:
I had a telephone field that all the leading zeros were missing (Telephone) on approx some 200,000 records
so constructed a formula field (fxTemp)
in that field I had formula "0" + Telehone
New field was called Telephone1
then created a button
and in the button the script was
for i in (select MasterData)[Telephone1 = null] do
let a := i.fxTemp;
i.(Telephone1 := a)
endThat got me 2 fields and when happy I deleted the first field
saved then and renamed the new field back to Telephone
Thanks Nick, thanks Mel !
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 4Replies
- 638Views