Copy Data from one for into another then open that new record
Having a bit of a blockage here
I want to copy a few selected fields from one table to another table (which also has slighlly different fields names) so can't simply use duplicate(this) etc.
The current table is called 'LeadsData' and the script works fine as below to copy the dat into a differend table called 'Customers'
Basically if a Lead Places and order etc then transfering into current Customers !
let xCurrRec := Id;
let xCName := 'Company Name';
let xFName := 'First Name';
let xLName := 'Last Name';
let xEml := 'Email Address';
let xPhone := 'Contact Phone';
let xAdd := Address;
'Opt Out' := 2;
Won := 2;
let i := (create Customers);
i.(Company := xCName);
i.(FirstName := xFName);
i.(LastName := xLName);
i.(Email := xEml);
i.(Phone := xPhone);
i.(Address := xAdd)
This script works no problem but after copying I then want to go on and open up that new record in the customers table for further processing of other data to be manually added.
I have tried various conbinations of openRecord/PopupRecord etc but have not got the script quite right as all attempts seem to be ignored
How do i get the Id of the newly created record? as this will be different from that in the LeadsData table
I'm sure I have seen this or similar question on the forum but can't get a search to find it
Thankyou in advance
10 replies
Hi Steven
I have tried that but for some reason it is ignoring it. ?
Hi Steven
strange - I tried this yesterday morning along with other options and Ninox was not playing ball.
Retried it this morning by taking all the script out closing the button/saving and re entering (just by copy/paste)
Adding the openRecord(i) again and now it works?
I have encountered this before sometimes a perfectly valid script simply does not work. ??
Actually Stephen / other fleeow members
You may be able to help with an extension to this based on the above prior code
I want to be able to transfer all records from tableOne to tableTwo
where Archive = "yes"
tableOne and tableTwo are identical (tableTwo will be an used as an archive storage table
so basically want to do - script in englich is - F
or tableOne if Archive = yes then duplicate
all those records (all fields) into tableTwo
and delete same records in tableOnee
i was thinking something along the lines of this extract
for 'Archive' in select 'tableOne' where "yes" do
create TableTwo;then go on to change some further details
ie 'Archive Date' = today()
then delete same batch of records in tableOne
Except I don't have this right and know there is something missing
as testing this simply adds duplicate records to existing table
any pointers would be gratefully welcomed
Something in the line of:
for i in select tableOne do (here we take all the Id's from tableOne one at a time in variable i and loops one by one)
if i.Archive = "Yes" then (this checks if the current record with Id=i, contains a "Yes" in the field Archive)
let a := i.FieldA; (this put's a field from tableOne in a variable)
let b := i.FieldB; (same here)
let c := create tableTwo; (here we create a record in TableTwo and the Id is kept in variable c)
c.(FieldA := a); (this puts the variable a containing the data from tableOne in FieldA from tableTwo)
c.(FieldB := b); (same here)
This is not tested en may need some tweaking....
The if statement can be taken out by tweaking the line before, so you end up with
for i in select tableOne[Archive="Yes"] do
let a := i.FieldA;
let b := i.FieldB;
let c := create tableTwo;
c.(FieldA := a);
c.(FieldB := b);
Thats great - thanks
Can you suggest a variation on this for doing the job in the SAME table
I have 800,000 records that have a telephone number in - Except they are missing the leadin zero's (0) eg 123456789
so i have formula field (fxTemp) next to 'Telephone' field that has script in it "0"+ Phone which give me the proper number eg 0123456789
plus a 3rd enty field that I want to copy the formula field content into called Phone
(then I will delete both Telphone and fxTemp fields afterwards)
for i in select Table1 do
if i.Phone = null then
let a := i.fxTemp;
Phone := a
endbut this is not looping through the records
just update same record over and over ????
Hi Mel
I think you need to change Phone:=a to i.Phone:=a
for i in select Table1[Phone=null] do
let a := i.fxTemp;
i.Phone := a
Hi John
Thanks for the update .... Works a treat :-)
At first was not sure was working as appeared to be hung
but with over 800,000 records to update it was updating off screen
Brilliant !
Kind regards
I have not done the table a to b yet but thanks in advance both John and Steven
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 10Replies
- 1126Views