To change the style of the name of a field ? (Color, size…)
Can someone tell me if it is possible to change the style of the name of a field and the way to do it ?
9 replies
Thank you Dean.
I don’t understand what is "free text "
What does that mean ? Where can one find that ?
It looks like a Formula field with its Label property set to "Hidden". You could either enter plain text surrounded by quotes as your formula, or you could add style using something like this as your formula:
html("<font color=red size=6><b>Free</b></font> <u>Text</u>")
Above is the old deprecated font styling (
or you could use CSS.
Thanks Dean.
I tried to put ”html("<font color=red size=6><b>Free</b></font> <u>Text</u>")”
in the field of the name but it does not work,
Formula field type, not text field.
I am speaking about changing the name of a field, not the one of the field itself.
I mean changing the name of the field not what is in the field.
Yes, I understood. I think that the other thread was saying to change the "Modele" field's Label property to hidden, and then place a formula field above it, with its Label also hidden. Then whatever you enter as a formula would be visible instead of the default Label. So the text
html("<font color=red size=6><b>Modele</b></font>")
would be entered as the formula in the formula field.
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 9Replies
- 908Views