change rich text field into a multiline text field respecting the break lines, not that it is a single line
good afternoon
I have a field that is rich text with several lines I want to do a massive update and change it to a multi-line text because from cloud ninox the rich text field is exported to PDF in a single line.
However if instead of rich text you could convert it into a multi line field if it is exported correctly to PDF respecting the format
Does anyone know how to do it?
6 replies
Dear Fran, if you still need help with this, please feel free to book a meeting with me
Thank you.
Any solution ?
I don“t have any info on exporting, but this is how you can copy Rich text to Multiline and preserve line breaks...
Multiline := replace(replace(raw(Richtext), ”<div>“, ”
“), ”</div>“, ”“)
Of course, you“ll need to change the quotes because whoever is in charge of the forum software can”t manage to fix the quote problem.
Thank you Sean,
with: let Multiline := replace(replace(raw(“Texte enrichi”), ”<div>“, ”“), ”</div>“, ”“)
I get this: column not found at column 60
I“m not sure what is causing that, but this is what I can tell you. You did not enter a return after the first double quote after ”<div>“. Do you see how the formula continues on the next line?
Since the forum replaces the quotes improperly, here are the quote codes so you can look them up and use the proper quotes in the formula...
Single quote: '
Double qoute: "
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 6Replies
- 1079Views