Revealing some field according to Multiple Choice selections
Hi there,
I've created a form with a Multiple Choice field consisting of 5 choices and some hidden fields (check mark). I want these hidden fields to appear whenever the 5th choice is among the other choices or whenever I only choose the 5th choice. (The selection possibilities are 5, 1-5, 2-5, 3-5, 4-5, 1-2-5, 1-3-5, 1-4-5, 1-2-3-5 and 1-2-3-4-5). In order to achive this I created a formula field to get the index number for every selected choice so that I can make the calculation by simply entering the following code;
number(Multiple choice)
However the Formula field returned with the following results;
For 1st choice I get = 1
For 2nd choice I get = 2
For 3rd choice I get = 4
For 4th choice I get = 8
For 5th choice I get = 1 (one NOT 16)
When choose 1 AND 5; I got 9 (1 + 8)
When choose 2 AND 4; I got NOTHING instead of 10
When choose 3 AND 4; I got NOTHING instead of 12
When choose 1 AND 5; I got 11 instead of 9
When choose 3 AND 5 I got 41 instead of 20 (which is 4 for 3rd choice beside with 1 for 5th choice)
When choose 1 AND 3 AND 4 AND 5; I got NOTHING instead of 27
I beleive there is something wrong with the Return Values of Multiple choice field. If I could be able to sum up the return values, I can unhide the hidden fields by simply checking the Multiple Choice Field's return value (entering a simple script in the "Display field only, if section").
Please advise,
Thanx in advance...
4 replies
Not sure how you got your values.. I think we are also mising apples / oranges. First
number(value) has a bullet that says.. If value stems from a choice field, this will be the choice’s internal id. Use number(text(choice)) to get a numeric representation of the choice’s text.
In your case .. it is a multiple choice field... so I would expect it not to work. Also.. for me.. for a single choice.. I had to use number(choice) ..
For the hidden fields, put the following in the "Display field only, if:" box
let a:=text('NameOfMultiChoceField');
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the tip. I am working on another project (with another app) for the moment. I'll try it as soon as I get my hands on Ninox again.
Thanks & regards,
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- 2 mths agoLast active
- 4Replies
- 2779Views