filter related table with botton.
I have a customer table and an invoice table. Both are related. In the client's form I see all the client's invoices.
Is it possible, with a button to display only the invoices that are only paid? Of course I have a field paid that is true or false in table invoice.
thank you in advance
8 replies
You can do this using a View Element. I am able to make it work, but I can't filter the 1:n relationship without comparing like fields in both tables. Can someone help with the 1:n filtering in a View Element? Comparing Id's did not work the way I tried it.
I thank you for your example but I already know how to do it. Me what I need is to filter the linked table because it is the only way to have access when printing. Because indeed I need this for printing.
Another trail to explore?
Robert -
If I understand correctly, you want to print only the invoices paid, right? If yes, have a look at this:
I have put a button that you can use to print all invoices or only paid (there is a new layout with the invoices filtered by paid).
And how you filter the laout for only paid invoices?
Go to "print layout", click and focus on "Invoices" table, in your right, click on "Edit columns" and set "filter" on "Status field"
Thank you so much
Have a nice day.
My probleme is solved a little bit but i must waitting for more functionnality.
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 8Replies
- 2486Views