Anyone know where to find support info on buttons?
What can I use them for? Can they call up views or subtables or fields as popups? What sort of script makes them work? Sorry, can't find anything in the manual.
4 replies
Buttons in Ninox accepts Functions as any other Formula field.
Look in the manual in User Interface Automation section.
An example is to copy Customer Bill fields to Shipping fields (if they are the same):
if 'Ship Street' or 'Ship City' or 'Ship Postal' = null then
'Ship Street' := 'Βill Street';
'Ship City' := 'Βill City';
'Ship Postal' := 'Βill Postal';
'Ship State' := 'Βill State'
Thanks, Nick. I think what I really need is a primer in Ninox script! How did you learn it?
From Ninox Templates, reading the manual, a litle SQL, a litle Filemaker and ofcourse in here, Ninox Forum.
Read about Operators, too.
OK, back to the library then. Thanks for the steer!
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