Is there a way to allow a user to see some records but not others in a table?
For example, if I add a customer as a user, could I make it that they can only view their invoices and not everyone elses?
4 replies
... or is there a way to set a filter on a table that users can't change?
Ciao, il filtro sulla tabella purtroppo lo possono rimuovere momentaneamente, ma lo ritroveranno alla successiva ripaertura della tabella. Potresti mettere nel campo "leggibile se" della proprietà della tabella il filtro più adatto.
nel mio caso ad esempio utilizzo il questo scritp :
user() = Tecnico or userRole() = "admin" or userRole() = "Ufficio" or user() = Assistente or userRole() = "admin" or userRole() = "Ufficio"
Grazie, that helped - for anyone else who is looking for similar - against the table you can use "Readable if" and "Writable if" :
with a formula such as:
record.'Is Confidential'=false or userRole()="SuperUser"
meaning you can flag individual records as being confidential that only someone with the role "SuperUser" can see -
In my case, I wanted a particular user to be able to only see records pertaining to them - so my formula is like = myUsersName or userRole()="SuperUser" and it is working as I wanted
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 4Replies
- 2104Views