Select multiple rows from en embedded table

Hi everyone,

the tile speaks for itself but I will use my own database as an example.

I have a database that contains information about art objects. Under the heading 'Administration' I have embedded a table called 'Contacts'. Now for some art objects it is necessary to select more than one contact from the embedded 'Contacts' table. I can only select one.

Can someone help me out?

1 reply

    • Fred
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    You have two choices here:

    1) you can create another Contacts reference field, yes you can have multiple links to the same table. Then you can select a second Contact record. But what if you need a third or fourth?

    2) you can create a N:N (many to many) table that links art objects and Contacts. Now you can create 1 contact per record in art objects or create 20 contacts per record. This new table can just have two reference fields (one to Contacts and one to objects).