Dynamic invoices (.docx) with subtable - problem


I have just started playing around with dynamic printing, as the built-in solution is - as we all know - less than ideal and finally has reached the end of life for me.

All is working well - except the implementation of a different table into my invoice. In my invoice, I have a table called "summary" - which pulls data from a different table called "article"

There, I have two columns "product" and "price" If I understand the Ninox documentation correctly, the correct syntax should be


to pull the product in my invoice. But that doesn't work, even though {d.summary[i].finalprice}, which pulls the final price (price * amount) directly from the "summary" table, works perfectly.

So, I guess my syntax is incorrect - could you point me in the correct direction where I might have gone wrong?



25 replies

    • Fred
    • 2 mths ago
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      • Johanna_Schmidt_Fotograf
      • 2 mths ago
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       Thanks, but same result. Empty lines in the PDF where the


      are in the docx. And yes, those are my actual field names - I just translated them into English for here to make it easier to understand...


    • Fred
    • 2 mths ago
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    Oops, I was wrong. Here is what works for me when I want to use data from a reference field inside a reference field.


    I'm starting in the Production table. ProductionItem is a many to many table linking Production and Materials. Production (1) > (M) ProductionItem (M) < (1) Materials.

    This is what I see:

    mat5, mat1, mat7 are the names of the material records.

    Are your tables setup up the same? Can you post a sample DB?

      • Johanna_Schmidt_Fotograf
      • 2 mths ago
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       Attached are two screenshots of my database. I don't really know how to post a sample DB... sorry about that.

      Image 1 shows you the table named "Artikel" where I am pulling the data from. Two columns, called "Leistung" and "Preis", nothing fancy.

      Image 2 shows the table named "Hochzeitspaare" that is pulling the data from "Artikel" in a 1:N relationship table called "Zusammenfassung."

      In my invoice, I need to pull the title of my service "Leistung" from the "Zusammenfassung" table (and therefore indirectly from the "Artikel" table to print in my invoice.

      Thank you for all your help!


      • Fred
      • 2 mths ago
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      Are you using the MacOS app? or the public cloud? If the cloud then which level did you subscribe to?

      • Johanna_Schmidt_Fotograf
      • 2 mths ago
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       I've got the starter subscription and use the MacOS app

      • Fred
      • 2 mths ago
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      In the MacOS app:

      1. open the DB
      2. click on Table menu and select Export data
      3. click on Ninox (third option after CSV and Excel)
      4. click on Save as button
      5. select a location and a name the click on Save

      If the data is safe then you can upload the DB to the forum.

      Otherwise you will have upload it to your MacOS app locally then make it a safe DB then follow steps 1 - 5 again.

      I find that creating JSON datasets makes things easier for Carbone, but if you are not ready to jump into that we can work on making it work with Ninox field names.

      Just be aware that Carbone can't handle any spaces in field names so if you have any that you think you will use then you will have to use JSON to make the fieldnames kosher for Carbone.

      • Johanna_Schmidt_Fotograf
      • 2 mths ago
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       The database has over 350MB - I'll try to make a duplicate, kill most of the content and upload it...

      • Johanna_Schmidt_Fotograf
      • 2 mths ago
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       Hi, Fred! Here is the database. In the "Hochzeitspaare" table, I deleted every entry except for one, which I filled with dummy data for privacy reasons. The other tables are complete and original.

    • UweG
    • 2 mths ago
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    On the one hand, I would think about whether the starter package with its limitations is the right subscription for a business application, especially since e-invoicing will sooner or later become mandatory for business in Europe and the starter subscription is not supported by Ninox with e-invoicing.
    On the other hand, I would also make the data available via custom JSON for the use of dynamic printing (Carbone).
    In the long term, this will cause fewer problems than with the simplified version: {d.Fieldname}

    See also: https://forum.ninox.de/t/g9yxpzm/bekannte-komplikationen-beim-dynamischen-druck-dynamic-print-und-wie-man-sie-umgehen-kann

    If the print template is in the 'Hochzeitspaare' table, the following table variable should work:
    1.Zeile: Headings
    2.Zeile,Zelle1: {d.Hochzeitspaare.Zusammenfassung[i].Leistung}
    2.Zeile,Zelle2: {d.Hochzeitspaare.Zusammenfassung[i].Anzahl} etc.
    3.Zeile,Zelle1: {d.Hochzeitspaare.Zusammenfassung[i+1].Leistung}

    I would still prefer the custom JSON variant.

      • Johanna_Schmidt_Fotograf
      • 2 mths ago
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       Danke Dir! Den Link schaue ich mir mal in Ruhe an!

    • Fred
    • 2 mths ago
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    Ok, try the attached docx file.

    You tried:


    but it should be:


    In the Rechnungsposition Hochzeit table the reference field to Artikel is called Produkt so you have to use that name.

    Attached is also the output.

    • Fred
    • 2 mths ago
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    I also noticed that you have many field names with spaces in them. That means you will need to get comfortable with creating JSON datasets.

    You can practice by creating a new formula field and put this in it:

    let t := this;
        brautvorname: 'Braut Vorname',
        brautnachname: 'Braut Nachname'

    So creating a JSON is as simple as putting your output inside those curly brackets. Keys end with a colon and the line ends with a simple comma NOT a Ninox semi-colon.

    Good luck.

      • Johanna_Schmidt_Fotograf
      • 2 mths ago
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       Thank you so much! That did it! 

      • Johanna_Schmidt_Fotograf
      • 2 mths ago
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       Having played around and finally wrapping my head around all of this, I (for now) only have one question left: Is there a way to order the output in descending order by price? Inside Ninox, it's simple, but as far as my output goes, I think it is ordered either randomly or by the order that I put them in my Zusammenfassung table...

      • Fred
      • 2 mths ago
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      Sadly there isn't if you DO NOT use custom JSON.

      When you create your JSON to iterate through Zusammenfassung you need to do something like:

      let t := this;
          brautVorname: 'Braut Vorname',
          zusammenFassung: for zF in Zusammenfassung do
                  prod: zF.Produkt,
                  gesamtpreis: zF.Gesamtpreis,
                  gesamDisplay: text(zF.Gesamtpreis)
          end order by -number(gesamtpreis)

      You can use the order by command at the end of a JSON to tell Ninox how to sort. To do a reverse sort you just put a negative in front of a number.

      • Johanna_Schmidt_Fotograf
      • 2 mths ago
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       Thank you! I don't think I quite understand it (yet), but I will get there soon enough :-)

      • Johanna_Schmidt_Fotograf
      • 2 mths ago
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       Final question, after playing around with it a while: 

      I have now reassigned all my field names using Custom JSON. Also, I have included your code:

          BrautVorname: 'Braut Vorname',
          BrautNachname: 'Braut Nachname',
          BrauteMail: 'Braut eMail',
          BraeutigamVorname: 'Bräutigam Vorname',
          BraeutigamNachname: 'Bräutigam Nachname',
          BraeutigameMail: 'Bräutigam eMail',
          Ehename: Ehename,
          Telefon: Telefon,
          Adresse: Adresse,
          DatumAnfrage: 'Datum der Anfrage',
          Hochzeitsdatum: Termin,
          Wochentag: Wochentag,
          Startzeit: Startzeit,
          Endzeit: Endzeit,
          Dauer: Dauer,
          OrtTrauung: 'Ort der Trauung'.Location,
          OrtFeier: 'Ort der Feier'.Location,
          AnzahlGaeste: 'Anzahl Gäste',
          zusammenFassung: for zF in Zusammenfassung do
                  prod: zF.Produkt,
                  gesamtpreis: zF.Gesamtpreis,
                  gesamDisplay: text(zF.Gesamtpreis)
          end order by -number(gesamtpreis)

      My reassigned field names work beautifully using {d.} - but I just can't get your code to work. I just can't figure out which of your newly declared variables to put in place of my original {d.Zusammenfassung[i].Produkt.Leistung}. 

      • Fred
      • 2 mths ago
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      here is what it should look like. You just use the new names exactly as you typed it.

      • Johanna_Schmidt_Fotograf
      • 2 mths ago
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       Thank you! That works, but now spits out a number instead of the text.

      • Fred
      • 2 mths ago
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      Produkt is a reference field, so you can pull any fields from it. Try adding the field name you need.

      • Johanna_Schmidt_Fotograf
      • 2 mths ago
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       That did it. I finally start getting the hang of it. JSON really is a somewhat non-intuitive language...

      • Fred
      • 2 mths ago
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      JSON is just a way of organizing data, kind of like creating a table on the fly. You have a key or field names (the name to the left of the colon) and the value or data (the data to the right of the colon).

      • Ninox partner
      • RoSoft_Steven.1
      • 2 mths ago
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      If I may suggest something and just FYI, it is better not to use loops in the construction of the JSON. Especially when this formula is used in a global function and called with API. Rather, I suggest this code, which is much faster...

      let t := this;
          brautVorname: 'Braut Vorname',
          zusammenFassung: Zusammenfassung.{
                  prod: Produkt,
                  gesamtpreis: Gesamtpreis,
                  gesamDisplay: text(Gesamtpreis)
              } order by -number(gesamtpreis)
      • Fred
      • 2 mths ago
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      I thought I've tried that and was unsuccessful, but if you vouch that it works then I agree that this the way to go.