v3.10.8 fixes

For those not on Facebook. The new FB moderator has posted fixes in 3.10.8:

Hello Everyone, we released our update 3.10.8 yesterday. Here are the major changes and fixes:

Fixed bug: when new table is added with record, table is counted as a separate record.
Fixed Bug: 3.10.6: Date-number isn't working.
Added styled-components to dependencies of the Ninox client.
Fixed Bug: unable to upload files produced by the apps through mac app or iPad app.
Fixed Bug: If referenced external DB is deleted, page does not maintain design.                                                                         Applied new standard theme to Buttons.
Implementation of server side logic to store customisable colour palette, favourite icons and styles. 
Enabled Multi-upload of Record Attachments - Web and Android.
Fixed Bug: Locale not respected in date fields.
Fixed Bug: API lookup record not working correctly.

4 replies

    • gold_cat
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    When Android can support PDF generation...

    • Sean
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view
    Implementation of server side logic to store customisable colour palette, favourite icons and styles. 

     I don’t have the cloud version. Does this allow users to change the color scheme of the app?

      • Mel_Charles
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       I'm on cloud version and I don't see anything obviously in this new version that hints at the capability to do what you state. Unless it is possible by some dark means ie code!

      • Fred
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      I was at the Nioxus Support Thursday and they had the Frank from Ninox on. He showed off a new customization component to be released. I don't remember if he mentioned soon or not. For those wanting to customize buttons this will now give you that ability.

      I hope we can change appearance of choice fields (dynamic or not) as well so we can make mobile forms more finger friendly.

      So it is interesting that it was listed as new for 10.8. Frank did reiterate that private cloud is getting priority.

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