Hiding HUD

Does anyone know how to hide these two elements - the + and Edit

 Would like to add these two to my HUD formulae.


5 replies

    • Sean
    • 2 wk ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Alan,

    I was able to hide them with the following...

        .sc-feUZmu.NavigationButton-juiDdI.hGILJG.fLLJBd {display:none;}
        .Divider-csajKZ.lhhtQ {display:none;}
        .Container-dqubpQ.cupfZa {display:none;}

    I included the divider class as well. Interesting that the dividers aren't in your screenshot.

      • Alan_Cooke
      • 2 wk ago
      • Reported - view

      thank you!!

    • Alan_Cooke
    • 2 wk ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks Sean!!


    Here is my formula that hides everything.  One small issue is that the styling for this field due to it containing html does not work in 3.13/3.13.1 at present.  This means you cannot hide the formula if you have colour set for the TAB.  Unless you colour the TAB with this colour #f7f8fc.  When the bug is fixed hopefully, we will be back to normal.

    Can one isolate the record navigation buttons, are they on a separate line?

    if HUD then
        .sideeditor-buttons-left .button{display: none;
        height: 0px;}
        .popupeditor2-buttons-left .button{display: none;}
        .stringeditor .stringeditor-button2{display: none;}
        .nx-backplane .popupeditor.pane .nx-button-text.blue{display: none;}
        .tab.tab-icon{display: none;}
        .hud-menu-right{display: none;}
        .HudLeftHeader_root .nav-item.head.FastClickContainer_root{display: none;}
        .nav-item.head.HudLeftHeader_backButton.FastClickContainer_root{display: block;}    
        .HudContainer_body{display: none;}
        .hud-menu-button.menu-icon.menu-icon-trash{display: none;}
        .hud-menu-button.menu-icon.menu-icon-duplicate{display: none;}
        .hud-menu-button.menu-icon.menu-icon-add{display: none;}
        .hud-menu-group, .hud-menu-right{display:none;}
            .sc-feUZmu.NavigationButton-juiDdI.hGILJG.fLLJBd {display:none;}
        .Divider-csajKZ.lhhtQ {display:none;}


      • szormpas
      • 2 wk ago
      • Reported - view

        Hi, thanks for sharing. It's useful to have it all together like this!

      • Sean
      • 2 wk ago
      • Reported - view

       Oops, sorry 😬. Try this...

          .sc-kpDqfm.cSAtPX {display:none;}
          .Divider-csajKZ.lhhtQ {display:none;}
          .Container-dqubpQ.cupfZa {display:none;}

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