Import into Dynamic Multiple Choice from matched records using IDs - not quite working
I'm pretty sure I'm close. I've done a lot of reading and hours messing around with this.
I am importing some CSV data from another system export into my database here. I have a field in my form that will hold the text names of Pets with commas between them.
I have a DMC field I want to get this data into:
And each record has some associated Pets linked through their common Client:
I've written some code to find the IDs of the Pets in This Client's Pets (above) that have the same name as the names in the PETS TO BE SCHEDULED field (above). I'm pretty sure this works as I've tested displaying the IDs and they match the IDs of the pets in the main Pets table.
However, when I try to make my * Scheduled Pets DMC field match the list of determined IDs, it doesn't work.
I know I'm close.
for r in select Appointments do
let availPetIDs := r.'* Client'.Pets;
let showname := "";
let incomingPetNames := split(r.'PETS TO BE SCHEDULED', ",");
let chosenPetIDs := [];
for incomingPetName in incomingPetNames do
for availPetID in availPetIDs do
if availPetID.'* Pet Name' = incomingPetName then
chosenPetIDs := record(Pets,availPetID)
r.('* Scheduled Pets' := chosenPetIDs)
And I also tried:
for r in select Appointments do
let availPetIDs := r.'* Client'.Pets;
let showname := "";
let incomingPetNames := split(r.'PETS TO BE SCHEDULED', ",");
let chosenPetIDs := [];
for incomingPetName in incomingPetNames do
chosenPetIDs := for availPetID in availPetIDs do
if availPetID.'* Pet Name' = incomingPetName then
r.('* Scheduled Pets' := chosenPetIDs)
and this:
for r in select Appointments do
let availPetIDs := r.'* Client'.Pets;
let showname := "";
let incomingPetNames := split(r.'PETS TO BE SCHEDULED', ",");
let chosenPetIDs := [];
chosenPetIDs := for availPetID in availPetIDs do
for incomingPetName in incomingPetNames do
if availPetID.'* Pet Name' = incomingPetName then
r.('* Scheduled Pets' := chosenPetIDs)
What am I missing?
1 reply
I got it working! Here's my solution:
for r in select Appointments do let availPetIDs := r.'* Client'.Pets; let incomingPetNames := split(r.'PETS TO BE SCHEDULED', ","); let chosenPetIDs := for availPetID in availPetIDs do for incomingPetName in incomingPetNames do if availPetID.'* Pet Name' = xvPetName then record(Pets,availPetID) end end end; r.('* Scheduled Pets' := chosenPetIDs) end
The only change was to remove the creation of the chosenPetIDs prior to using it to store the values, and used a let to have the loop actually create the array and not just add to it. I don't know why that matters, but it works now. This language has some mysteries to me compared to other languages I've used.
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
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