Importing Image Files

I have a very simple table that contains an image field and a number field.  The images are intended to be scans of magazine covers (120 of them) and the number field is the "issue" number.  I have all the magazine covers scaned as jpg files and located in a single folder.  I'm looking for a way (short of doing it manually record by record) to get Ninox to import all the image files, making a new record for each.  Let me apologize beforehand if this has already been addressed here, but I've tried to find it and have only found references to importing tabular data and "attachments," neither of which seems applicable to what I'm attempting to do.



11 replies

    • Leonid_Semik
    • 6 yrs ago
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    • garytreible
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Thank you, but this imports image files into something called an "attachment".  What I want is to import image files into an image field.  Can attachments be block-copied into image fields?

    I have to confess to being a bit confused at this point.  Batch importation of image files seems to me to be a very standard and common database activity.  It shouldn't require downloading a special program and understanding regex file searches.  This leads me to believe that I'm not asking the question properly.

    • Leonid_Semik
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I am not a developer, only a user. As far as I know, there is only one way to perform the file import. I suppose you've got it. The pictures are now in Ninox as an attachment.

    1. Create a textfed Filename
    2. Create a list in Excel (Ninox ID, Filename)
    3. Import this list to Ninox, leaving Ninox ID as the key
    4. with Update multiple records you can now assign calculate value:


    Image := Filename




    • garytreible
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Thank you Leo!  Much appreciated.

    • Wireditpro
    • 6 yrs ago
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     I am trying to update an image feel using the parameters from a number field Using logic formula. Here is the formula that I am using but the only thing that it is putting into the image file is a text string. I do know that I have the image file represent it as a text  string  but is the only way that I have been able to put it in that  it does not come back as an error.  Below is the code I have written. If anyone knows how to represent an image correctly so that it’s at places  it in the image Field that would be great. 

    if 'Tomatoe Rating' <= 59 then
    Image := "A7/Splat.jpg"
    if 'Tomatoe Rating' >= 60 and 'Tomatoe Rating' <= 79 then
    Image := "A7/Fresh.jpg"
    if 'Tomatoe Rating' >= 80 then
    Image := "A7/CertifiedFresh.jpg"

    • Wireditpro
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

     I forgot to mention a7/is the directory that was returned when I used the raw function. 


     Thanks in advance 

    R Michael Walker

    • Alexander_Koenig
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Hi Michael,

    you can display images only if they are attached to the record. If you attach the three files to all records this would work.

    Attached images are displayed in the image field if it contains the file name. This could be done via a trigger and your formula. But it will be only displayed if you have attached the image file.

    Another method would be to display the image in a formula. There each record should be linked to another table and record where the images are attached.

    Let me know if this helps.

    Best regards, Alex

    • Wireditpro
    • 6 yrs ago
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     So another words, I could set up a table named tomatoes ratings images and have and it only the field with images in it  named TImage. It would only have three records in it. One for each of the images that I want to use.  Then all I would have to do as reference the particular record ID  of that particular image I wish to display, in  The formula that are used in the  table that I want the image to display in. I of course would have to say for instance; Image := ‘tomatoes ratings’.

    • Wireditpro
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    • Wireditpro
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Sorry about the two different postings, I accidentally hit the post button before I was finished. Anyway Am I understanding your suggestion correctly?

    • Leonid_Semik
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Michael,

    Your Images are all attached?
    try your formula without "A7", so:

    if 'Tomatoe Rating' <= 59 then
    Image := "Splat.jpg"
    if 'Tomatoe Rating' >= 60 and 'Tomatoe Rating' <= 79 then
    Image := "Fresh.jpg"
    if 'Tomatoe Rating' >= 80 then
    Image := "CertifiedFresh.jpg"





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