Seeking correct syntax to populate a multiple-choice field programmatically

I have a multiple-choice field Checklist that I want Ninox to programmatically populate with a set of possible conditions (e.g., say, Condition #1, #2, #3, &/or #4).

When I do something like the following:

if condition 1 then chosen(Checklist := 1) end;

if condition 2 then chosen(Checklist :=2) end; ... etc.,

... I am left with Checklist showing only the last true condition. The rest are overwritten. What is the correct syntax to force a multiple-choice field to retain all true conditions in a series of logic checks, rather than only the last one?

Thanks for your assistance.

3 replies

    • Birger_H
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    This is not yet possible with multiple choice fields. We are working on this. This will be available with an upcoming update.


    • jim
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I wanted to be able to select and unselect choices within a multiple choice field too. I also wanted to validate the changes the user made. I used the 'Trigger on update' on the multiple choice field.

    This solution has to do with the state of an invoice. There are 6 choices. Some combinations are allowed others are not.

    There are 3 steps:

    1) Know what the change was by subtracting the current state of the selections from the previous state of the selections

      Power here starts at:

         for cb in cd do

      And ends with:

         sw := cz - cx;

    2) Figure out what was allowed and not allowed based on that

      switch sw do

    3) Set it right and provied feedback if a correction was made.

      InvoiceType := x;

      vInvoiceTypeFlags := concat(x)


    I've annotated the code with // to help and stripped out a bunch of cases to (...) to make it easier


    // InvoiceType is the multiple choice field 


    // vInvoiceTypeFlags is a text field that mirrors InvoiceType and is used to determine what the change to Invoice type is


    // “w” is how I comment the sections since // and /* don’t exist yet






    // Determine the selected state of each of the multiple choice assigning the position number to each choice


    let a := if contains(concat(InvoiceType), "Deposit") then 1 else null end;


    let b := if contains(concat(InvoiceType), "Progress Payment") then 2 else null end;


    let c := if contains(concat(InvoiceType), "FinalPayment") then 3 else null end;


    let d := if contains(concat(InvoiceType), "Change Order") then 4 else null end;


    let e := if contains(concat(InvoiceType), "Project Totals") then 5 else null end;


    let f := if contains(concat(InvoiceType), "YTD Sub Totals") then 6 else null end;




    // Determine the previous states of the multiple choice


    let sa := contains(vInvoiceTypeFlags, "1");


    let sb := contains(vInvoiceTypeFlags, "2");


    let sc := contains(vInvoiceTypeFlags, "3");


    let sd := contains(vInvoiceTypeFlags, "4");


    let se := contains(vInvoiceTypeFlags, "5");


    let sf := contains(vInvoiceTypeFlags, "6");




    // Set up some variables and constants


    let i := InvoiceNumber;


    let w := null;


    let ca := split(vInvoiceTypeFlags, ",");


    let cb := null;


    let cc := concat(chosen(InvoiceType));


    let cd := ["Deposit", "Progress Payment", "Final Payment", "Change Order", "Project Totals", "YTD Sub Totals"];


    let ci := Id;


    let cx := 0;


    let cy := 0;


    let cz := 0;




    // Turn the previous state into a binary mask


    for cb in ca do


    cx := cx + pow(10, number(cb))






    // Turn the previous state into a binary mask


    for cb in cd do


    cy := cy + 1;


    if contains(cc, cb) then


    cz := cz + pow(10, cy)








    // Subtract them from each other


    sw := cz - cx;


    // I like to store the result


    vlast_action_InvoiceType := sw;




    Examine each of the possible outcomes with the switch function…


    switch sw do


    case 10:




    w := "Deposit on";


    b := null;


    c := null;


    if count(Project.Invoiced[InvoiceNumber = i and isPayments and Id != ci]) then


    alert("Not Possible: This invoice number already has a payments record (e1)");


    a := null




    if ChangeOrderNumber > 0 then


    alert("Not Possible: Has non-empty fields (e2)");


    a := null






    case 100:




    w := "Porgress payment on";


    a := null;


    c := null;


    if count(Project.Invoiced[InvoiceNumber = i and isPayments and Id != ci]) then


    alert("Not Possible: This invoice number already has a payments record (e3)");


    b := null




    if ChangeOrderNumber > 0 then


    alert("Not Possible: Has non-empty fields (e4)");


    b := null






    case 1000:(…)

    case 10000:(…)

    case 100000:(…)

    case 1000000:(…)

    case -10:(…)

    case -100:(…)

    case -1000:(…)

    case -10000:(…)

    case -100000:(…)

    case -1000000:(…)




    // Gather up the results of the case


    let x := [a, b, c, d, e, f];


    // set and or override the original user choices


    InvoiceType := x;


    // post a mirrored copy of the cleaned results to be used next time


    vInvoiceTypeFlags := concat(x)

    • jsankephd
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    FWIW I will be eager to use this function.