Regex extractX global flag



I am trying to extract 1-N regex matches. This is my code:


extractx("Hello, this is {first} and this is {second} match...", "(\{\S+\})+", "g", "$1;$2");

I would expect result:


But my result is:



I know that I can use more brackets separately, but this doesn't work if I do now know exact number of matches in advance.

Please, do you have any solution for that?




2 replies

    • Sean
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    My suggestion would be to somehow use the replacex() function because the "g" flag works with it. The "g" flag does not work with the extractx() function...



    • Sean
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    While I'm not an expert, it's easy enough to search on the topic. I don't think their implementation is ideal and doesn't allow for using the "g" flag without using groups...



    I think extractx(string, regular_expression, flags) should be allowed and in the case of extractx(string, "pattern", "g") you would get an array of matches. Some examples I've seen on the forum suggest that extractx(string, "pattern", "g", "$0") should return all matches, but it doesn't work.